Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tuesday & Wednesday

On Tuesday it was another day of helping the children with disabilities. If you haven't read my previous post, i was very nervous about helping these kids even when i did pretty okay. So yesterday (Tuesday), i got to experience outbreaks that a girl had. The scenario went like this: She was headed towards the boys bathroom so i tried to redirect her like i usually do: By taking her by the arm and gently pulling towards the direction she should be going and saying happily "we're going this way, honey." And typically, she listens... but that day she decided to resist. She jerked her arm out of my hand and kept pursuing forward so i wrapped my arm around her front side and pulled her back while i was trying to get in front of her. She reacted by leaning backwards and pulling my hair, then turning around and headbutting me in the face. And in case you're wondering, she's my size- maybe bigger. I heard my nose crack a little while a lady was telling me to move towards her. Right... i'm gonna move towards the girl having a meltdown and taking it out on me. Matt (the coordinator) runs over and takes her off me and i touch my nose while he asks me if my hair is alright... i laugh a little and say i'm fine as the girl i'm supposed to bond with runs to the corner and lays down as she always does. We put her in quiet time and Matt waited with me outside the empty room with padded walls used for such an occasion. Just waiting for five minutes to be up, he tells me i'm a trooper for handling all that. Though it sounds like i was a bit irritated at this point, there was something to keep me from going insane. Earlier that day, the girl's mother handed me an envelope. Inside was a Thank You card talking about how much she appreciates, really appreciates, me playing with her daughter. I felt so obliged to make sure that girl was having the time of her life that i considered everything that happened and everything that is to happen a part of what i'm supposed to be doing. A part of what i want to be doing.

Wednesday. Today. We went to a water park which had a huge pool, and a kiddie pool that had fountains and such aflowing everywhere. I got assigned to be another girl's buddy because the previous girl i attend to couldn't go. I had SUCH a good time. Not just with this new girl, but with all the kids around me. Even the ones not in our camp. They all behaved so well it just made everything so much smoother. I am no longer nervous about taking care of these kids cuz now i know how they act and how they are such great kids. It was truly a blessing and i thank you all for your prayers.


1 comment:

  1. Just a quick thought I had as I have been reading your blogs. Just remember Ehud was handicapped too! Remember our devotions on Sunday morning.
    Pastor and Candy
